October 26 2016

STATE OF TEXAS              X


The Board of Managers of the Walker County Hospital District, Walker County, Texas met in a regular session, open to the public, Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at Huntsville Memorial Hospital, Huntsville, Texas.

Members of the Board present included:

Chairman, Robert Hardy
Vice Chairman, Ron Lange
Secretary, Mr. Larrison
Manager, Susan Mott

Absent from meeting Manager, Judy Emmett

Also in attendance were: Keli Molina, WCHD Administrative Assistant: Shannon Brown, HMH CEO; Joe Henderson, Attorney at Law and Jonathan Church, Hilltop Securities.

Agenda Item #1: Call meeting to order.

Chairman, Robert Hardy called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Agenda Item #2: Consider approving the minutes for the regular meeting held on September 28, 2016 and the Special Meeting held on October 11, 2016.

Mrs. Mott made a motion to approve the minutes.  Mr. Larrison made a second to the motion.  The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #3: Comments from the public.  If you wish to address the Board of Managers, please register prior to the meeting being called to order.

None were made.

Agenda Item#4: Review and consider approving the resolution outlining the intent of the District and the Corporation to sell various assets to, and assign various liabilities to, the potential bidder in connection with the proposed transaction, including the responsibilities of the parties to pay off the known liabilities of the Corporation, subject to applicable law.

Jonathan Church, with Hilltop Securities gave a report on the resolution. Mr. Lange made a motion to approve the resolution.  Mr. Larrison made a second to the motion.  The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item#5: Consider approving payment of indigent care bills.

Mrs. Molina, WCHD Administrative Assistant, reviewed the indigent care report for the month of October 2016 in the amount of $20,167.37.  Mrs. Mott made a motion to pay the indigent bills as presented.

Mr. Larrison made a second to the motion.  The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #6: Review and consider approving the monthly financial report.

Chairman Robert Hardy reported that the Hospital District had revenues of $445,169.83 Expenditures of   $616,781.01 for the month of September 2016. Mr. Hardy requested board approval to transfer $1,500,000.00 from the WCHD General Operating Trust account to the WCHD Reserve Building/Land account where it would be invested in CD’s. Mr. Lange made a motion to accept the financial report as prepared and the transfer of $1,500,000.00 from the WCHD General Operating Trust account to the WCHD Reserve Building/Land.  Mr. Larrison made a second to the motion. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #7: Consider approving payment of monthly bills.

Mr. Lange made a motion to approve the monthly bills totaling $19,642.87.  Mr. Larrison made a second to the motion.  The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #8: Approve the recording of October 2016 budgeted indigent care expense in the amount of $576,664.00.

Mr. Larrison made a motion to approve the recording of the October 2016 indigent care expense.

Mr. Lange seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #9: Consider giving approval to Walker County Appraisal District to accept the bids received on the properties in trust owned by the taxing jurisdictions.

The District approved bids on several properties and authorized the Appraisal District to proceed with the sales. Mr. Larrison made a motion to approve the bids on these properties. Mrs. Mott made a second to the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #10: Comments and reports from managers and HMH administration.

Shannon gave a brief report on medical insurance cost rising. He also discussed the many medical insurance changes and the difficulty in physicians excepting the medicaid and medicare coverages.

Agenda Item #11: Adjourn meeting

There being no further business, Chairman, Robert Hardy adjourned the meeting at 8:20 PM.



Chairman Robert R. Hardy

Walker County Hospital District





Attest: _______________________________

Jerry Larrison, Secretary

Walker County Hospital District